MountResilience will support European regions and communities located in mountainous areas to increase their capacity to adapt to climate change and to transition towards a climate-resilient society.
The project will conceptualise, test, and scale up multi-level, multidimensional and re-applicable climate change adaptation and nature-based solutions addressing policy and societal needs. Additionally, it seeks to influence citizen behaviours, to effectively address specific climate impacts in mountainous regions.
About the ProjectThe challenge
Mountains face unprecedented challenges in terms of climate change. Mountain ecosystems are more sensitive to the harmful conditions provoked by climate change than lowland areas. The fraction of water falling as snow decreased in mountainous regions, falling instead as rain, making mountains particularly susceptible to extreme rain hazards. In the Alps alone, the temperatures have increased by almost 2°C, a rate twice as large as the northern hemisphere average.
The lack of effective adaptation responses makes the problems even more harmful. These difficulties arise from several existing gaps, including not having enough effective ways to adapt to climate change, problems with adopting the already existing solutions, and a lack of coordination.
MountResilience aims to help mountain regions and communities in Europe to better adapt to climate change and build resilience in response to the environmental challenges. The project will speed up the climate-resilient transformation of 10 key communities and regions in the mountains across nine European countries.
Among these, 6 regions will focus on developing and testing innovative climate change adaptation solutions, integrating technological and social innovations with nature-based approaches. The remaining 4 regions will serve as «replicator» regions, repurposing climate change adaptation solutions and lessons learned from the demo regions and applying similar solutions in their areas to improve their ability to adapt to climate change.
The opportunity
Regions involved
MountResilience aims to accelerate the climate resilient transformation of mountain areas of 9 EU countries.
Regional demonstrator sites
Regional replicator sites