Lapland, Finland
Regional Demonstrators
Lapland is the northernmost part of Finland and the EU. The region is a sparsely populated area with long distances, challenging climate conditions, ample natural resources, and the world’s cleanest air in inhabited areas.
Due to climate change, the Arctic region is warming up twice as fast as other regions, which has severe consequences for people and their livelihoods. The economic structure of the municipality of Enontekiö is largely based on traditional nature-based livelihoods: reindeer herding, fishing, and tourism. The present physical environmental change causes direct threats, especially to the reindeer herding. Changes in grazing conditions make it difficult for the reindeer to survive. In Lapland, the river Teno has already faced several environmental challenges, which are either partial consequences or indirect consequences of climate change. Climate change also causes physical changes in the operating environment for tourism, for example through changes in snow cover and precipitation.
Public Participation Geographic Information Systems (PPGIS) are a tool used to map citizens’ views and experiences regarding the effect of climate change on the local environment. They collect and share information on climate-induced changes and events in nature. MountResilience will also create models of a company-specific adaptation plan that increase the know-how of reindeer herding and tourism entrepreneurs and its preparation, namely for the use of new solutions. Lastly, the project will develop a model/method of company/business group-specific adaptation coaching. The model can be transferred as a product blank to livelihood development organizations and companies offering training, counselling, and coaching services.
Luke kerää ylälappilaisten havaintoja ympäristön muutoksista – osa ilmastonmuutokseen sopeutumiseen keskittyvää hanketta
Kysely Utsjoen ja Enontekiön matkailuyrittäjille (Regional Council of Lapland)
Tunturihaukan silmin -näyttely (Regional Council of Lapland)
Hae mukaan Teno Guide –koulutusen, joka antaa valmiudet Utsjoen matkailuun (Regional Council of Lapland)
MountResiliencen matkaterveiset Innsbruckista (Regional Council of Lapland)
Suomalainen on EU:n nettomaksaja, lappilainen ei – rahalla on muun muassa parannettu teitä ja kerätty ruokareseptejä